Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8. In a report on smartphone market share, Microsoft has declined since January...
Students spending some time outside at York College in Pennsylvania.
(Photo courtesy of Flickr user...
The Parliament of Canada, based in the country’s capital Ottawa. A study from the organization Samara examined...
The Supreme Court announced it was in favor of the Affordable Care Act. But things went awry in cable news.
A Starbucks at Tower Bridge in London.
(Photo courtesy of Flickr user peskymesky)
For the modern business, social...
The London Olympic Stadium, where teams from around the world will compete later in July.
(Photo courtesy of Flickr...
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who announced Facebook’s purchase of Instagram April 9. The deal is being...
Women in Egypt stand outside a polling place in Alexandria, with posters of the Muslim Brotherhood candidate...
Anders Behring Breivik appearing in court in the Norwegian capital Oslo. His trial, which ended June 22, was a big...
Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti meeting with U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) in February. Monti is one...
The Apple iPhone 4S. The App Store has been expanded to 32 countries, where more apps can be downloaded for this...
Protesters at Tahrir Square in the Egyptian capital Cairo during the Arab Spring in February last year.
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