Andy Murray playing at the Wimbledon tennis tournament in London in 2009.
(Photo courtesy of Flickr user...
The cricket player Danish Kaneria of Pakistan. The England and Wales Cricket Board has banned from playing in...
Microsoft’s new Surface tablet, unveiled this week at an event in Los Angeles.
(Photo courtesy of...
Anders Behring Breivik, who is on trial in Norwegian capital Oslo after the deaths of 77 people and the injuries of...
Twitter had technical problems but returned to normal service June 21.
(Photo courtesy of Twitter)
The social...
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper with President Obama at the G20 summit in Mexico. MPs in Canada have ended...
Attorney General Eric Holder, who was charged by a House of Representatives committee for Contempt of...
John Bryson, the Commerce Secretary, who announced he is stepping down from the role in light of a seizure earlier...
The Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi. Morsi and his opponent Ahmed Shafiq say they both won Egypt’s...
Canada’s Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, meeting with Phil Mooney of the Immigration Consultants of Canada...
The Irish Taoiseach, or Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, with President Obama at The White House in 2011. Kenny’s...
Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak with President Obama in 2009.
(Photo courtesy of the federal...
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