German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
(Photo courtesy of the federal government)
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has...
Spain’s Rafael Nadal at the French Open in 2011. Nadal is on track to reach the final of the men’s round...
German Chancellor Angela Merkel with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2011.
(Photo courtesy of the federal...
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in 2011.
(Photo courtesy of Flickr user megmccormi)
The Republican governor of the...
A rally takes place in August 2010 which celebrated the overturn of Proposition 8, which banned same sex marriage in...
Windows 8 in development.
(Photo courtesy of Flickr user mattgemmell)
The computer software giant Microsoft has...
President Obama at a speech.
(Photo courtesy of the federal government)
In light of the job stall growth, the idea...
Attorney General Eric Holder at a Department of Justice Press Briefing.
(Photo courtesy of the federal...
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts speaks to Senators in 2005 during his confirmation hearing.
(Photo courtesy...
Former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak with Italy’s President Giorgio Napolitano in 2009.
(Photo courtesy of...
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) who co-signed on the proposals to President Obama.
(Photo courtesy of the...
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia), who co-signed on the proposals to President Obama.
(Photo courtesy...
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